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MMDT 1/13 - About Me

Our first challenge for the MMDT 2013 is to introduce ourselves and tell a little bit about what we do and our interests. I created three categories to describe myself. Family, Hobbies and Career. I used the grid paper Paprika with tan and dark blue accent tiles.



Family: I included photos of my family. My sons are placed next to my photo at the top right of the layout. My layout includes journaling about my very large family and our grand family reunion every June.

The full-size photo at the top left of my layout is the family photo taken this past June (2012). I wanted to express how much my family means to me. The top right photo is me cooking dinner on Thanksgiving at my sister-in-law's home. I wish my kitchen was that big. 

Here is the journaling I did under my family section.

"I am a mom with two sons who are the lights of my life. I am one of 30cousins and we get together at each others homes throughout the year. Each June, we gather in a large park for a grand family reunion. We play horse races, games, cards, do crafts, have dessert contests and just catch up with each other. "


Career:  As a medical transcriptionist, medical terminology is my greatest skill. I described the details of the job with journaling and I added a page out of my medical dictionary as the background to my sticker of a manual typewriter.

Through the years of my career I have transcribed medical reports on manual typewriters, electronic typewriters, word processors and finally computers. I thought this was a good embellishment to demonstrate my job. Here is a snapshot of that part of my layout. I used took a photo of a page from my medical dictionary and inked the edges and mounted the typewriter sticker. My journal entry on career is as follows:

"I am a medical transcriptionist. In the 70’s I typed on an electric typewriter with carbon paper and then white out. Electronic typewriters and then word processors paved the way for computers. Learning medical terminology is like learning a new language. I have to understand different accents and cope with idiosyncrasies like stuttering, chewing and whistling."

Hobbies: I included some of my favorite interests. My next embellishment is about one of my favorite hobbies. I embroider, but ribbon embroidery is my favorite style. I used a rose sampler to demonstrate this hobby. I love how the ribbon gives dimension and shadows to create lovely roses. I took a close up shot to show this hobby off.

My journal entry for Hobbies is:

"My interests include crafts of all kinds, embroidery, crochet, gardening, cooking and baking, reading about American history, reading about Lincoln and other Presidents and the First Ladies. Washington D.C. is rich with history and that is my favorite vacation place."

Other interests include American History, reading about Lincoln and the Presidents and First Ladies. My favorite travel location is Washington, DC. I took photos of my favorite Lincoln and Washington DC books and I cut and pasted the titles for my tiles.

Here is just a note about the process of working on this first entry. I was so nervous and excited that I found myself cutting the tiles too long or too short and I had to do them over again. Finally I just stopped and took a deep breath and just started enjoying the project. Then, when I started to photograph my page, I ran into lighting trouble. It was 3 pm and it was cloudy out. My photos kept coming out yellow. So I took my white board and my page and my camera outside (where it was very cold and windy) and shot the page in my backyard. The flaps on my white board kept flapping over, but I finally got the shot. I sure hope the rest of these pages go a little smoother. One down, 25 to go!

Shared by Dale Hill on January 1, 2013 | Memory Date: January 1, 2013
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Story Cheered By:
Dale, so glad to read about you as well as see your pictures. I LOVE the photo of the book page with the typewriter sticker! I too had issues photographing my pages as it was evening...hope to have better luck next time! Most likely I'll go back to having them scanned at Fed Ex! Hope to get to know you more in the coming year! Hugs!!
Posted By: Lori Hanson  |  January 11, 2013 at 3:02 am   
I like your "categories" of family career and hobbies. Great approach! I look forward to seeing all your creations this year! Much better with the story!! I used to do a lot of embroidery too - it's a little harder now - my eyesight isn't what it used to be but I still do a little - love the touch of your ribbon embroidery on the page!
Posted By: Nancy Sanders  |  January 8, 2013 at 1:39 pm   
Glad it all came together Dale. Being able to read about your experience and what you wrote on your page adds so much to your post. Love the typewriter and your rosettes. :)
Posted By: Tami Potter  |  January 8, 2013 at 1:36 am   
Hi Dale!! Nice to meet you! I, too, like the way you grouped your categories. I lke the combination of colors as well. Great job!!
Posted By: Heather Cartland  |  January 8, 2013 at 1:34 am   
Hi Dale, I love your layout about you! The colors are awesome and I love the three roses at the bottom, what a nice touch. Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to seeing more of your great work! Glad you got this worked out!!!
Posted By: Shannon Nixson  |  January 8, 2013 at 12:45 am   
Success Dale! I'm so glad that the story finally caught up with the photos. How much more understanding we have for the type of job you do transcribing medical jargon! and deciphering accents! Hats off to you! A page from a medical dictionary is so perfect as a backdrop for the old typewriter. Ribbon embroidery...I have all the materials, but I've never actually met anyone else doing it! The roses are lovely. I'm amazed at how many here have said they are history buffs, super. Family...aren't they great what a gathering and what a time you all must have enjoying each others company. Thanks so much for working at this to get it all together in one place. Welcome to the 2013 Mosaic Moments Design Team...hang on, it's going to be a wild year!
Posted By: Andrea Fisher  |  January 8, 2013 at 12:30 am   

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