Saturday we awoke to snow falling fast and furious. Visions of the blizzard we weathered to get to the Chocolate Festival two years ago came heart-pounding back. Please let us have a good turn-out this year!
The car was loaded the night before so getting on the road was fairly quick. Set-up went smoothly, and except for a few of the cakes that needed some repair before displaying, we were on time and ready. Doors to the public opened at 11 a.m. and closed at 3 p.m. The crowd was steady the whole time, Hannah and I were on our feet till the end. Nearly 400 cake samples and hundreds of wedding favor cookies were snapped up by the crowds. We distributed 390 flyers...would have been all, but when we were getting down to the last few, I held off some thinking we still had another hour left...I was relieved to know I was wrong about the time. I think we were the last to be packed and out of the building...or at least close to it! Once home I could barely stay awake, and moving once I sat down was pure torture! Still barely moving today! Tomorrow is another day...back to normal life.
Hannah with last minute touches
Scottish Bride and Groom sculpted by daughter Libby
wedding favors we offered as samples for the red cross fund raiser.
Decadent Chocolate Cake samples and Decadent Chocolate Raspberry cupcakes for sale.
all in all, a good day.
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